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Janayna R. Silva1, Kamal A. R. I.1

1Universidade Estadual de Campinas

E-mail: janayna.rs@hotmail.com

The ever growing demand for electricity in modern life, the damage caused to the environment, the imminent scarcity of the fossil fuels, urged the search for alternatives with low greenhouse gas emission and, consequently, less environment impacts, renewability and relatively low cost. The global scenario shows a clear tendency and a progressive increase in investments to expand the use of renewable energy sources in the global energy matrix. In Brazil the situation is not different, in spite of having a large portion of the Brazilian energy matrix constituted by hydroelectric energy, there is been a noticeable increase in investments in solar and wind energy farms, as well as, mini and micro photovoltaic installations to provide energy for commercial and residential use. This study addresses the feasibility of installing a photovoltaic system in a residence located in the interior of the state of Maranhão. The project was initiated based on a study of the characteristics of the installation site, such as solar radiation and other environmental conditions necessary to define the inclination and orientation of the PV panels. Subsequently, the average monthly domestic electricity consumption was analyzed and a value of 132 kWh/month was found. Based on these data, the photovoltaic kit that best suited the situation was selected. Finally, a study was made to determine the payback time, taking into account the values of the initial investment, the amount of energy generated annually by the photovoltaic system, considering 20% of losses, panel degradation, tariff rate inflation and the profile of the consumer. A period of approximately 5 years for the recovery of the initial investment was found, and at the end of 25 years of useful life of the panels, it is possible to save up to R$ 16.000,00.

Palavras-chave: environmental impacts, PV system, payback period, renewable energy resources, solar energy.

Agradecimentos: This study was financed in part by the Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior – Brasil (CAPES) – Finance Code 001”

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